Leaving Venice was sad, we could have spent more time there, but it was time to move on.

We took the vaporetto up the Grand Canal to San Marco garage, retreived the Ford, and hit the road again.

Driving west from Venice, we turned north at the eastern side of Lake Garda - the largest lake in Italy. The drive up the coast of the lake was beautiful, then we headed through an area of major grape fields to get to Trentino.

Lake Garda

Grape Fields, Northern Italy

Our original intent was to drive across the Alps back into Switzerland, but we discovered the passes were closed on this side of the country also and were forced to detour a bit farther east than intended, stopping in Trentino for a night.


After spending a night in Trentino we moved on, driving north into Austria.

The next night we just pulled off the road wherever we felt like it, and that ended up being Bludenz,Austria..

On our last full day, we drove through Liechtenstein, stopping to take a look at Castle Vaduz (in Vaduz, the capital city..)

From there it was back to Zurich, another night at MartaHaus, then on to the airport and a long ride back to Seattle.

Here's a link to a thumbnail page of all the pictures I've scanned from the trip, in case you're interested.

A great vacation, we had a lot of fun. If you’re planning a trip there let us know and we can fill you in on more details.

For now, though, there's no place like home....